

Elements of a Vision Statement

A Vision Statement is essentially a high-level summary of what the venture team wants to accomplish, typically within the next five years.

Everyone in the organization should be able to connect their activities to making this vision a reality.

A vision statement should be ...
... clear, focused, easily understood, and easy to remember.
... consistent, constant over a period of time, but adjustable as conditions warrant.
... unique and special to the venture.
... purposeful, providing a reason for being and for others to care.

Vision Statement seed: "We will [change the way] [our customers ... who?] [do something ... what?] because [we have something new and better ... what?]."

Sometimes the terms "Vision" and "Mission" are reversed ... personally, I am set on a Vision Statement being a long-term goal, and the Mission Statement being day-to-day guideline for achieving the Vision.

Neither the Vision or the Mission statements should be fluff. They should be well-thought-out and act as solid anchors for the venture. No BS!  No "wink and smile" when we read them, especially when we read them aloud!
