

Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts

The Entrepreneur's Creed

  1. Do what gives you energy ... have fun!
  2. Figure out what can go right and make it happen.
  3. Say "can do" rather than "cannot" or "maybe."
  4. Illegitimi non carforundum: tenacity and creativity will triumph.
  5. Anything is possible if you believe you can do it.
  6. If you don't know it can't be done, then you'll go ahead and do it.
  7. The cup is half-full, not half-empty.
  8. Be dissatisfied with the way things are, and look for improvement.
  9. Do things differently.
  10. Don't take a risk if you don't have to ... but take a calculated risk if it's the right opportunity for you.
[Thank you, Jeffry A. Timmons and Stephan Spinelli]

Entrepreneurial Mindset

  1. Take responsibility
  2. Get results
  3. Create value
  4. Earn a profit
  5. Solve customer problems
  6. Create competitive advantage
  7. Customer and quality driven
  8. Generate wealth
  9. Share the wealth with those that create it