SPLUCK: an acronym for Skills, Passion, and Luck … traits shared by every successful Innovator and Entrepreneur.
SKILLS can be learned. There certainly are a basic set of skills that most every innovator and entrepreneur must have ... but, they aren't necessarily the same set of skills for all.
PASSION is something internal to every individual … some have lots of it, others don’t. We can try to motivate passion in others, but it can’t be forced upon them. They either are, or they aren’t. Heredity versus Environment? Closely related to Passion is Persistence ... someone passionate is usually someone persistent, too.
And then there's LUCK ... serendipity! Win the lottery!! YeeHaa. So many folks wait for luck to change their lives. But the Innovator and Entrepreneur ... they don't wait for change to happen to them. Nope! They are the change they want to see in the world! They make their own luck!
SPLUCK: Skills, Passion, and LUCK!
[Jim's TooSense: I was looking for word that would summarize the key traits of successful innovators and entrepreneurs. Many articles written about why they are good at what they do, and there is a diversity of other characteristics, too. But put them all in a big pot, and the big three that surface are Skills, Passion, and Luck. So I just slammed them all together into SPLUCK. And now you know the rest of the story!]