

Venture Plan Presentation Outline

  1. Opening Billboard Slide: Company name, company location, contact information, legal statements (proprietary information, copyright, etc.) ...
  2. Problem / Opportunity: The problem your venture will solve, the significance of the problem, the opportunity this offers your venture, quality of the opportunity, growth potential ...
  3. Product and/or Service Solution Description: Essential product/service idea, category of product/service, proprietary protection, entry strategies ...
  4. Customers and Target Markets: Target market characteristics, size, why this market is the best for your venture, market validation research ...
  5. Business Model: How your venture will earn a profit, expected margins, sources of recurring revenue ...
  6. Environment and Context: Industry overview, research results and analysis, major competitors, benchmark ventures, timeliness, regulations ...
  7. Competitive Advantages: Market focus, value proposition, core competencies, barriers to entry, competitive validation, how your venture will position itself to meet the competition, ...
  8. Marketing and Sales Strategies: Pricing strategies, distribution model, partnering, promotional strategies ...
  9. Technology Strategies: Technology, product development ...
  10. Operational Strategies: Production methodologies, manpower requirements, equipment requirements, material management, flow diagram of key processes ...
  11. Intellectual Property and Legal Issues Strategies: Patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, trade secrets, operating and other agreements, legal structure ...
  12. Organization: Management team, relevant domain knowledge of the team, commitment, advisers, directors, management to be added, culture, talent ...
  13. Development Plan: Current company status, number of employees, development stage, early revenue, number of customers, relevant historical information, long-term venture goals, growth strategies, timeline ...
  14. Risks and Contingencies: Downside risks and contingency plans, upside risks and expansion plans ...
  15. Financial Projections: Key assumptions, historical financial statements, pro forma statements, return on investment ...
  16. Investment Funds Sought, Use of Proceeds, and Harvest Strategy: Total investment funding being sought, use of funds in 4 or 5 general categories, any unusual use of funds, return of cash to investors and entrepreneurs .. ...
  17. Summary: Vision; mission; goals; a brief who, what, where, when, why, and how of your venture ...
  18. Closing Billboard Slide: Company name, company location, contact information ...
  19. Variety of support slides keyed to most-likely-to-be-asked questions
Recommendations: presenter's name on each slide, company logo on each slide.